
Dear PS 107 Families, 

It’s hard to believe that this is my final weekly parent letter of the 2022-23 school year! And what a year it’s been. In many respects, it was the first “normal” school year that we’ve had since the COVID pandemic began in March 2020 — we did not have to wear masks; vaccine requirements were dropped; daily health screenings were a thing of the past; there were no classroom closures or remote learning days; we were able to bring back all of PS 107’s family events (and establish new traditions!); parents could visit classrooms once again — and much, much more. 

I wasn’t quite sure if I’d be able to keep up writing weekly letters to the community all year long, given the many competing responsibilities of the principalship, but I found that I so enjoyed the opportunity to share my thoughts and my vision for our community in this forum. I’ve heard from many of you over the course of this year, and particularly in the last few weeks, how much you appreciated these letters — that you found them to be unifying and that they crystallized for you what the PS 107 community is all about. Thank you for this feedback!

Last week, in this space, I asked you to share with me what you are grateful for about PS 107. Below is some of what parents wrote: 

An amazing school year, we are so grateful for the phenomenal teachers and school staff who have helped our kids not just with academics, but with so much social-emotional support as well.

A fabulous teacher; great events like Spring Fling; hearing my student talk about all of the heritage days and what he’s learning about them in school. A strong community. Thank you! 

Very warm kindergarten welcoming crew every day! Incredible community instilling positive values of inclusion. 

All of the training and work being done to build awareness of neurodiversity at PS107!

THE PEOPLE/COMMUNITY!!! The other families, the teachers, the staff...basically all the human beings that make PS 107 function as a collaborative, supportive, generous, inspiring, attentive and loving place.

I’m extremely grateful for the patience shown to my children and all of the support the school has provided for their special needs. 

The community fostered at 107. 

I feel very grateful for the incredible staff at PS 107! Both my kids' teachers and so many others who take the time to know and care about and teach and mentor and inspire my kids, and so many others. 

This is just a selection of the comments that I received, and the theme of many of the comments is the beautiful community that we have at PS 107. This couldn’t be more accurate. I am tremendously grateful to the parent community, for their unwavering support of our school over the course of this year. Every single staff member at 107 brings their all to their work, every day. It is truly a sight to behold. Thank you to everyone at PS 107 for a truly exceptional year. 

Finally, congratulations to our 5th grade graduates! We will miss you so much and hope that you will come back to the nest and visit us often. For our returning students, families can expect class assignments and supply lists to come out in mid-to-late August. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, September 7th for the first day of the 2023-24 school year. But for now, have a wonderful, relaxing, enriching summer!


Ms Joanna